The training session took place on a crisp, snowy day in the stunning Cockermouth area, where the six girls braved the cold to refine their rugby skills. The white blanket of snow added an extra challenge to the training, but the players showed remarkable resilience. The focus of the session was on handling, as the girls worked on improving their ability to catch and pass the ball despite the slippery conditions. The snow made the ball a little more difficult to grip, but the girls adapted quickly, demonstrating excellent focus and determination. In addition to handling, the players spent time moving into space, honing their awareness and timing to create options for their teammates. This part of the session helped improve their ability to read the game and make quick decisions under pressure.
Later, the training shifted to rucking and mauling, with the snow-covered ground providing an added test of their balance and strength. The girls practiced driving over the ball in rucks, ensuring they used proper body positions and technique to secure possession. Mauling drills followed, where they worked on forming strong, coordinated mauls to retain the ball while advancing down the pitch. Despite the chilly air and snowflakes falling around them, the players maintained high energy, cheering each other on and working hard to perfect their skills. The session was a success, with the girls not only improving their technical abilities but also developing a strong sense of camaraderie and determination in the face of the cold weather.